Source 199: The following source is an Amazon review of FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition by ‘mtnluvr’ titled ‘Re-Claim Your Birthright’. It was originally published on June 28 2016 at: These links may or may not still be operational; if it isn't, we may have redirected it to the WayBackMachine archive.
‘When my wife and I started reading FREEDOM we started to notice a repetition of sorts. Then we realized that with each repitition it seemed to peel a scale from our eyes and allow us to “see” what was being offered. Gradually, as the scales were receding from our eyes, we were able to feel a very tangiable burden being lifted from our lives. Mine was the burden of eternal damnation (having been raised pentacostal) and for my wife it was the relief of NOT having been a bad parent. We now see the battle for what it is, a type of Civil War where brother fights brother to futher the truth of our beautiful birthright and expose the damage that has been cast upon us by our conscious search for knowledge.’
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